Thursday, December 2, 2010

From Jim...

Fall of Giants by Ken Follitt
Eleven points on a scale of 1 - 10 for Ken Follitt's latest book, Fall of Giants. Similar to World Without End & Pillers of the Earth in technique, but in an entirely different time period - pre WWI through to the end of the war and the events that followed.  A variety of characters who eventually interact with each other in most interesting circumstances. He ties the whole story together in a very entertaining read but the strongest recommendation is that when you have finished the book you will have a real understanding for the events of that period, how little events had major impact on future events. (very well researched) History buffs will love it. It's a book that you have to put down only because it's over 800 pages long, but when you are done with it you can be sure that the next two books you try to read will be disappointing by comparison.

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